The Food Movement
The driving force
Blue on Water's signature can be found in the details. Locally owned and operated, we maintain the hospitality that the island is known for, all while putting our own touch on everything we do.
Here at Blue on Water we believe in the food movement, and it influences everything we do.
What is the food movement? It is a commitment to quality, to bring to our customers the freshest and highest quality produce, meats, and seafood possible. Due to our island location in the North Atlantic, our access to quality, organic products has always been limited, to say the least. So, in the spirit of the food movement, it means growing our own herbs and produce in organic soil, pesticide free, in our own backyard. It also means taking our family out for an afternoon of harvesting wild chanterelles, edible thistles, flowers, and berries.
One of our goals is to promote our unique heritage and highlight many of the foods we grew up on, such as cod tongues with scrunchions, molasses, kippers, wild produce, and berries. With this in mind, we buy local fish at every opportunity, never frozen.
The food movement is a Canada-wide movement veering away from the cloak of “fine dining” to focus rather on the imaginative combination of flavours and presentation of the highest standards of food possible.